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My Favorite Couch Multiplayer Games

Here is a list of my personal favorite multiplayer games, specifically with local co-op, but will mention if these games have online co-op as well.

Vegan Grocery List

New year, new you, right?! Well if you are like me, one of my 'resolutions' sow to speak, was to transition into veganism. I was vegetarian for a couple of years and as time went by, I slowly became disgusted over the thought of eating something that came from a loving animal. Let's not get into that because this post is all about you.

So, you have decided to become vegan but do not know where to start? First thing first, the supermarket! To make your life easier I compiled a little list to assist in jump-starting your new journey! 

Christmas Wish list For Nerds

Struggling with what to buy for your fellow beloved gamer? I have compiled a little wishlist that may be assistance. Gift shopping is stressful in general - I can only hope this will make it easier for you! As a fellow avid gamer, these gift ideas would definitely spark happiness.

Happy shopping!

My Top Spotify Playlists For Work

Decided to share my playlists because, why not? Here are playlists I enjoy listening to while I build excel sheets. Some of the playlists I have curated myself!