
Welcome to A Vegan Nerd blog!

Probably not a blog you have came across of before. So what is this blog exactly? Who am I? to be simply put: my life. Hello! my name is Cynthia and I am 30 years old. A little vegan and a nerd. I am awkward and sassy (something you would not get from reading the title). Now I know there various definitions of how people define what a 'nerd' is - to me, it is someone who is infatuated with all things consisting of 'nerdiness'. I absolutely love video games and the culture/community it comes with it. I adore many video games, but Halo will forever hold number one in my heart.

I do not want to get into what other things I admire and adore I would love for you to join me in my journey to find out. Sincerely appreciate you stopping by, sit back and enjoy the ride!