Best Emotional Movies on Netflix Right Now

 There are times where we are "in our feelings". I was in my feelings for a weekend (the time of the month- haha) and watched these movies I have listed below. It is not really smart to watch emotional movies when you are feeling emotional yourself- mainly because you will run out of tissues and wine.

But you know every once in a while it is OK to be in all up in your feels so I made a list of movies you should watch and so you can cry as much as I did.

Before We Go

This was one of the most recent films I watched and my God, Chris Evans is such a babe. This an independent film that Mr. Evans actually directed and it caught me by surprised because it was not one of your cliche type of romantic movie. It was a different taste of ~ romance ~

In Your Eyes
This movie had me yelling at my television. A romance and sci-fi movie (my favorite genre!) The main characters are telepathic bonded which allows them to see, hear and feel the others experiences.

The Best of Me

*cries* *sniffles* just watch this *blows nose*

The Road Within

A guy with Tourette's, another guy with OCD and a girl with anorexia meet at a bar. Three kids with psychological disorders band together to try their attempt at normality. I loved this movie; very sentimentally uplifting.

Call Me Crazy 

Just like Road Within, this movie is based on 5 people and their lives as they cope with their mental illnesses. It is a very touching film; shows the good and the terrible.


Last but not least, Twinsters. Now, I am honestly not a huge fan of documentaries, but I decided to watch this because the description was interesting. An adopted child finds her twin sister with just one click; a French fashion design student stumbles upon a familiar face on YouTube: her own. Twins separated at birth.  

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