Top 10 Best Netflix Shows To Watch Right Now

I KNOW  I am not the only one that spends more time searching for something on Netflix more than watching a thing. So, I decided to compile a list of what I THINK are the best shows on Netflix right now!  I tried to make this list that stays away from shows you should have watched already such as Daredevil, Breaking Bad etc.  I do not know about you, but every time I search for shows to watch, all these sites say the same sh*t..... *roll eyes*

Okay, enough talking. Here is my list:


Z- Nation
The plot of this show is some people transport a survivor of the virus across the country.That is it. However, I quite enjoy this show. It is HILARIOUS and a refreshing take on a zombie apocalypse show unlike The Walking Dead. Yeah, Walking Dead sucks. But let's forget Walking Dead. If you watch this show comparing it to it, you will hate it. It is a fresh new take on a zombie apocalypse and it is extremely entertaining. I do not think people give it enough credit! If you are a zombie fan, watch it!


The 100
"A century after nuclear Armageddon on Earth, 100 youths return to test the planet's habitability."-IMDb. In other words people who moved to space to survive a nuclear war make their way back to Earth and he encounter many challenges. This show is so underrated and it pisses me off!!! 
I will admit, when I first started watching this show, I thought it was the cheesiest thing ever. A pretty slow start. Luckily, I am a strong believer in second chances so I continued to watch and I love it! Trust me. You will ship many people on this show. Give it a shot and you will grow to love it. So many unexpected things will happen and you would want to rage.


About a Boy
I literally never see any comedy shows as a recommendation. I put this on the list because it is mad ~chill~. It is really funny and witty. On Netflix there are 2 seasons, but unfortunately they canceled it :( R.I.P. Do not let cancellations stop you from watching.


Chasing Life
Do you want to cry? Do you know anyone who is diagnosed with a fatal illness?Do you think cancer sucks? Do you need a little a motivation to live life to the fullest? If you answered yes to all those questions, then this show is for you. I would also like to add that this show is canceled after 2 Seasons which are both available on Netflix.


Idris Elba and his british accent. That would be all.


The Fall
 Another UK show! This is a Netflix Original and it is a psychological thriller that basically revolves around a serial killer. I mean come on, anything with the word serial killer, I. am. sold. You may or may not become paranoid while watching this show.


 I love when a kick ass female is the protagonist. Did I mention she kicks ass? This show is another one that is unpredictable. They pulled the plug on this and I honestly I do not blame them,. It began to fall flat and it appeared the writers were running out of ideas. Nonetheless, it is a great thriller drama. All seasons are on Netflix now.


 The Tomorrow People
Ordinary people with extra ordinary powers. If you are into superhuman powers, than this show is for you. Unfortunately, this show was canceled after one season....WHICH I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Such a superb show. The story line is interesting and it flows quickly so I do not see you getting bored watching this show. AND I do not understand why on Netflix this has one star. I will give it a solid 4 out of 5.


 Dark Matter
A crew, in space, and their memories have been wiped clean. I bet that sentence alone has you interested. I love the whole mystery aspect of the show so in each episode my eyes were glued on the TV. Frankly every episode was suspenseful.  It is a good show for all sci-fi and mystery fans out there.


Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. Yay, Marvel! I enjoy the superhero references, but it breaks my heart you never see them. Nonetheless there are other cool kick ass people to meet. The show follows the big movies so it is in chronological order. Now, that does not mean you have to have seen the movies, but it will help you out a little to follow the story-line.

But then again, if you have not seen the movies..........

But there you have it! Let me know in the comments what you recommend me or if you decided to watch these shows (or have watched) ! :)

*All images are not own by me.


  1. I've been looking for more shows to binge watch. I recently finished watching Making a Murderer and was left completely appalled but also awaiting the next season. Right now, I'm waiting for the new season of House of Cards and a few other shows so these suggestions should help fill that void. LOL!

    1. I attempted to watch House Of Cards, but I just could not get into it! I am glad my suggestions will help you continue to binge away :) let me know which you decided to go for!
