Funniest Batman V Superman Tweets

After watching the movie last night, I made my way to Twitter to express my thoughts on the movie. The #BatmanVSuperman hashtag was quite entertaining and hilarious. Here is a list of what was being said.

Vegan Pizza Delivery Options

Some of us vegans get lazy to cook also! Although, it "weird" to order a cheese-less pizza, who cares, I am starving. Cheese-less pizza is pretty darn good. However, if you need your cheese fix, you could always pre-heat your oven until your pizza arrives, grab some of your vegan cheese and sprinkle it on top of the pizza once it arrives. Put it the oven for a few minutes and ta-da!

True story: every time I order a cheese-less pizza from Dominos online, they ALWAYS call to confirm if I meant to do that.

**I prefer Papa john's over Dominos, but that is just me.