Vegan Dairy Alternatives

Image result for happy cows gif
As I slowly transitioned into a vegan, I struggled with finding dairy alternatives such as cheese, cream cheese and butter. My struggle inspired me to write up this post because I know how difficult it is to cut dairy out of your diet completely and I know so many of you proclaim that there is NO way you can give up cheese.

There are so many benefits as to why one should go dairy free one of them being of course for the sake of Cows; other reasons include:

  • Clear Skin
  • Preventing Milk Allergy and Sensitivity Reactions
  • Healthy Digestion (yup, dairy causes all sorts of digestive issues)
  • Helping or Resolving Medical Mysteries (such as sinuses, headaches and migraines)
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Stronger Bones (Yes, I said it. Stronger bones. There is many research supporting this and directly combats the promoted connection between dairy milk and bone health. Highest rates of osteoporosis are also the largest consumers of dairy products.)


The difference in taste compared to regular butter barely exists. Earth balance as other vegan butter flavors too.


There is a wide range of milk alternatives: soy, rice almond, hemp, oat, coconut, hazelnut and 7-grain milk. The ones that I have personally drank would be almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk. Almond milk would be my recommendation because the flavor is easily likable. Soy milk is definitely an acquired taste so it will take some getting used to, but I would definitely recommend to try it since it is the most popular one.

Hands down my favorite! I would not look elsewhere. Mozzarella is a very difficult flavor to mimic so do not expect it to taste remotely the same. 
Other brands I have tried:

 Almost similar to Daiya mozzarella shredded cheese, but Daiya definitely still takes the crown.

This tasted like cardboard, but many people love it? So I guess it is all about preference.

This is the only flavor I have tried with this brand, however they do have cheese's that are not vegan so please wary.

*I think it is important to note that vegan cheese will not melt like non-vegan cheese. Will need more heating time to melt.

Cream Cheese

My money is on Tofutti. Similar flavor to regular cream cheese.

Before discovering Tofutti, I tried this brand first and really did not do it for me. The flavor was entirely different. I concluded that perhaps it is an acquired taste like most vegan alternatives. Regardless, I would recommend Tofutti.

You will not be disappointed.


Image result for o'soy

This yogurt is divine. Vanilla is my personal favorite! Again, soy is an acquired taste!
Image result for almond vegan yogurt
This yogurt consistency is rather odd. It felt like I was eating a very soft pudding. I will give it a 5 out of 10.


This is the only product I have tried so far and it honestly traumatized me. The consistency is like trying to fry scraps of rubber tires and the taste was similar to a candle wax. I do not know how or why this product so raved about. Go ahead and try it to see if you feel the same way.

Ice Cream
My favorite brand. Kind of cannot go wrong with any flavor they have to offer.

Still trying out other flavors, but this one so far is my favorite,

I have tried Salted Caramel, which was too sweet for my liking, Pistachio flavor, which I did not like very much, Coffee Bean was okay and finally, Dark Chocolate which is my favorite.

 I am still learning and trying out new things but I hope this little blog post was somewhat helpful! You can definitely cut dairy out of your diet! Each company also make other products that are non dairy which I encourage you to look into :)

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