How to Beat Monday Blues


Monday blues is quite a common thing that I am pretty sure we all have experienced (or are experiencing). Here are a list of things on how I personally beat it:

1. Try to get up earlier than usual and do something you enjoy. I always try to get up earlier than I should before work, 15-30 minutes- nothing too crazy. Whether it is to read the next chapter in your book, play a match of Overwatch, selfie photoshoot or taking your time to make an awesome breakfast, doing your favorite hobby will definitely boost your mood and have you feeling ready for the day. On Monday's we are usually rushing and trying to get back into the routine, let's try to ease our way into the week! We do not want to have a rushed chaotic morning.

2. Make your bed. I am sure you have heard this before, but it is TRUE. Making your bed will make you feel quite productive.

3. Drink coffee after 9am. Drinking coffee right when you wake up is not ideal because the caffeine interferes with your cortisol levels which is what helps your body naturally wake up. Caffeine intake will disrupt this and therefore you will crash sooner than expected.

4. Be mindful. Avoid digging your nose into social media. Try to live in the moment.

5. Plan your day ahead or be an overachiever and plan for the week! Organization can help you clear your mind.

6. Find out why your Monday's are feeling blue. Is it your job? Feeling internally unfulfilled with life? Whatever it is, try to figure it out and take action.

7. Workout your body (or mind) before work. I am sure you have heard this one plenty of times and we all know the benefits of endorphins so get boogie!

8. Sleep early on Sunday. No secret a goodnight's sleep will make you feel refreshed in the morning.

9. Switch up your routine. Days can feel robotic and auto-pilot like. You can avoid that by simply just switching something up such as your commute or ordering a different type of drink at your local coffee shop. A small change can make such a difference in your mood.

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