My First Week Living in Hong Kong

A leap of faith is what I took and I never looked back. I made the commitment to live in Hong Kong for 10 weeks while attending to an internship. I was in the process of finding new employment, but the amount of rejections I received stating the same thing, "Your qualifications are impressive, but we are looking for someone with more relevant experience", was a little heartbreaking - I did utilize it to fuel my ambitions and drive which brings me here.

For my first week, I was lucky. My parents were there - I had a safety net. We spent the day and night together once we arrived. However, when dropped me off at my apartment and we said our goodbyes, I was feeling very upset. To this day I am unsure as to why. Looking back at it, I feel stupid, but I cannot beat myself up on simple human emotions.

I had to remind myself: I have a great roommate. I have supportive family, best friends, and boyfriend that are all just a phone call away. 

Saying goodbye to my parents was tough. I held back the tears as I hugged goodbye, but lost control in the taxi on my way back to my apartment. Head filled with thoughts, "Is this stupid? Am I making a good choice? What if I hate it here? What if I am miserable, every day?"

I made friends. Everyone got a long well. Friday night was our first night out and of course just like any naturally skeptical, paranoid human being will do, is think that they will have a bad time, but I didn't. Saturday night I hung out with my roommate and another intern - we all got a long well. We made dinner and it was simple and delicious (May or may not have messed up the rice noodles, but hey let's just pay attention to the fact that it was still good and edible). On Sunday, all the interns gathered to head to Macau - phenomenal time. I ate like it was my first meal in ten years at the buffet, saw someone bungee jump 1,000 feet right before eyes on the Macau Tower, visited "Venice jr" and "Paris jr"....why was I so worried?

I guess it is part of my nature to freak out and think of the worst. My mission is to stop that and if I cannot, at least obtain some control. My anxiety has controlled me my entire life. It has dictated all my decisions causing me missing out on wonderful opportunities. I am a 26 year old and all I am familiar with is this dumb box that I call "comfort". Picking the safest, most practical route is my go-to, but whos to say that it is not the best decision? Honestly, what is the point of life if you live it boring and safe. Maybe that works for people, but that does not work for me. And if it does than that's awesome, but I am chasing my dreams...even if it sounds 'dumb' or 'crazy' to other people. For once I am putting my feelings first - it was now or never.

Me living in Hong Kong is a big f*ck you to anxiety.

I am strong. I can do anything I set my heart to and so can you.

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