What Drives Us To Spend Too Much?

SOURCE: Burak Karademir via GETTY IMAGES

Behavioral economics provides some insights as to why we go over budget. There are some surprising ways in which our emotions and thought patterns guide us towards to our overspending. Here are some reasons as to how and why this happens.

My Overwatch League Grand Finals Experience

I was fortunate enough to attend the first finals of Overwatch league for both days, mainly because it was held in the one and only Barclays Center located in Brooklyn, NY. Just like every NYXL fan across the globe, I was heartbroken my team were not playing- I could not stop thinking about how crazy it would have been if it were London vs. New York. Regardless, I had such a wonderful time and would like to share it!

What TV Shows You Should Watch on Netflix (July Edition)

Netflix guru is back to give you some recommendations on what to watch Netflix. I am thinking of doing a blog post every month because I am a part-time professional binge watcher and want to share my fun-filled adventures that I dive into. The shows listed are shows I personally liked and I hope you do too!*

On wards, to the list!

How to Beat Monday Blues


Monday blues is quite a common thing that I am pretty sure we all have experienced (or are experiencing). Here are a list of things on how I personally beat it: