Black Friday 2019 Console Deals

Brace yourselves, Black Friday is upon us. With all the deals from many retailers, it can be awfully confusing so that is why I've compiled the best Black Friday console deals from across retailers and online deals, so you can see in one place.

Being Vegan in Hong Kong

My family and friends were concerned that I will starve living in Hong Kong. In all honesty, it is not that different from living in the states.  I actually found it a lot more easier especially since dairy is not common in their diet. Only thing to look out for is seafood that can pretty much are sneakily in most of their dishes. Also, totally helps how everything is in English.

Living Abroad Pre-Departure List

Coming from Hong Kong, I felt inspired to start a 'mini blog series' of all the things I learned and share that knowledge with you. Preparing for an abroad trip definitely needs some advanced planning, especially if you plan on living in another country. Consider my list I compiled for your preparation:

My Vegan Skincare Routine

I am one of the few that did not have to worry about acne. My main struggle was bringing that hydration to my dry skin. However, there were moments during my teenage years (17-19) where I struggled with random breakouts on my chin that has left some scars. Nonetheless, through my own experimentation with different products, personal experiences and education in skin care, this is my everyday (and night) skincare routine for my dry skin - all products which of course are vegan and cruelty-free.

My First Week Living in Hong Kong

A leap of faith is what I took and I never looked back. I made the commitment to live in Hong Kong for 10 weeks while attending to an internship. I was in the process of finding new employment, but the amount of rejections I received stating the same thing, "Your qualifications are impressive, but we are looking for someone with more relevant experience", was a little heartbreaking - I did utilize it to fuel my ambitions and drive which brings me here.